Life is great because of dreams
A wonderful magazine for you to build your dream life
German Rosenthal porcelain Year of the Dog souvenir Wuxu Wanxu Wanxu‧Rui dog is reporting a beautiful year
德國Rosenthal羅森泰餐瓷因應農曆新年推出的年度生肖系列商品,一直深受亞洲市場的喜愛,今年再度與瑞士知名設計師 Manuela Federica (曼努艾拉.費德里卡)合作推出2018戊戌狗年生肖紀念盤,搭配18cm點心盤及馬克杯兩個同系列品項,一次滿足消費者自用、收藏和送禮的多項需求!

在中國年的十二生肖中,狗代表著優雅、快樂和友善。然而,狗兒更是家庭中的重要一份子,其特點是忠誠、奉獻、順從、陪伴與不離不棄。基於這些特質,iSHONi 設計工作坊的瑞士設計師 Manuela Federica 為Rosenthal設計出一款以亮橘色為底,並以多處細節設計傳達出和諧、友好意義的狗年生肖作品–狗兒的脖子上戴著一條由天然木圓珠串成的護身符,上面一把鑰匙象徵智慧之鑰,水藍色與綠松石色搭配的皮串繩則讓人聯想到大自然力量風與水之間的互動與共生。環繞在周圍的裝飾符號,如螺旋圖案或生命之樹,則表達了宇宙萬物的浩瀚無垠與生生不息的生命意義,同時,也象徵了狗兒對於人類良善面的信任。
In the Chinese zodiac, the dog represents grace, happiness and friendliness. However, the dog is an important member of the family, characterized by loyalty, devotion, obedience, companionship and unfailing devotion. Based on these qualities, Manuela Federica , a Swiss designer from iSHONi Design has created for Rosenthal a Chinese New Year of the Dog piece in bright orange with many details that convey the meaning of harmony and friendliness - the dog wears around his neck an amulet made of natural wooden beads, with a key symbolizing the The key on top symbolizes the key to wisdom, while the aqua blue and turquoise leather string is reminiscent of the interaction and symbiosis between the forces of nature, wind and water. The surrounding decorative symbols, such as the spiral pattern or the tree of life, express the vastness of the universe and the meaning of life, and also symbolize the dog's trust in the goodness of human beings.